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- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; --- implementation of the direct-selection sorting algorithm ---
- ; --- done by JPN/Level 4-ASD in August 1990 (assembly version)---
- ; --- This is the non-optimized version ---
- ; --- program sorts data sized as words from 'data_list' ---
- ; --- program processes 16 bit signed data (-32768 -> +32767) ---
- ; --- 'num_elements' features the number of elements to sort ---
- ; --- routine length : 64 ($40) bytes ---
- ; --- any questions? Call Germany: (0)631/43752 (KRIS) ---
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
- org $40000
- load $40000
- num_elements=100
- a:
- lea data_list,a0 ; table for elements
- moveq #00,d0 ; outer loop counter (x)
- outer:
- move.w d0,d1 ; inner loop counter (y)
- move.w d0,d2 ; index for smallest (j=x)
- inner:
- move.w (a0,d1.w),d3 ; a(y) -> d3
- cmp.w (a0,d2.w),d3 ; a(j) < a(y) ???
- bgt smaller
- move.w d1,d2 ; j=y
- smaller:
- addq.w #02,d1 ; next y value
- cmp.w #num_elements*2,d1 ; end of inner loop ?
- bne inner ; next y
- move.w (a0,d2.w),d3 ; a(j) -> d3
- move.w (a0,d0.w),d4 ; a(x) => d4
- move.w d3,(a0,d0.w) ; exchange
- move.w d4,(a0,d2.w) ; the numbers (d3, d4)
- addq.w #02,d0 ; next x value
- cmp.w #num_elements*2,d0 ; end of outer loop
- bne outer ; next x
- rts
- end_of_routine:
- data_list:
- dc.w 5,2,3,1,6,8,9,7,4,0
- dc.w 5,2,3,-1,6,8,9,7,4,0
- dc.w 5,2,3,-2,6,8,9,7,4,0
- dc.w 5,2,3,1,6,8,9,7,4,0
- dc.w 5,2,3,1,6,8,9,7,4,0
- dc.w 5,2,3,1,6,8,9,7,4,0
- dc.w 5,2,3,1,6,8,9,7,4,0
- dc.w 5,2,3,1,6,8,9,7,4,0
- dc.w 5,2,3,1,6,8,9,7,4,0
- dc.w 5,2,3,1,6,8,9,7,4,0